X2 White Package
Seaweed powder, spinach powder, vitamins, plant protein.
Adjust the amount based on the quantity of shrimp. base protein diet to promote color.
Remove any uneaten product after 24 hours.
"To come into compliance with California law and regulation, Blue Crown Aquatic will not be selling any restricted species of the taxonomic family Cambaridae, including, but not limited to crayfish. except as otherwise permitted by the California Fish and Game Code or sold to its customers restricted species of the taxonomic family Cambaridae, such sales were in violation of California law and regulation and have now been discontinued."
X2 White Package
Seaweed powder, spinach powder, vitamins, plant protein.
Adjust the amount based on the quantity of shrimp. base protein diet to promote color.
Remove any uneaten product after 24 hours.